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As something perfectly functional but extremely complex and ramified, as the unpredictable vital force of nature, ex nihilø starts "from nothingness" and then evolve independently, through a braided but very impetuous path, up to the saturation of the sourrounding space.

Bearer of a powerful in movement, caught as if in the act of feeding on the surrounding space, it is an "open organism" that can not be contained and branches out in different ways and directions, trying to wrap the whole.


to P.Grassino

[ ~electrøacøustic music ]

<< ex nihilo - 5'.25" >>


recorded at LOXOS

::: vl.1  Francesca Nigro

::: vl.2 Giulio Colangelo
::: vla. Adelaide Pizzi
:::vlc. Vito Stano

::: e~ Giulio Colangelo

publisher : Ars Publica


[ © 2014  ]

giulio colangelo

Organismo aperto no.1

string quartet + electronics

Organismo Aperto No. 1 - for string quartet + electronics
sound intermedia artist
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