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Giulio Colangelo holds an MA cum laude in electroacoustic composition after studying with Alessandro Cipriani and Giampiero Gemini in Frosinone (Italy). He attended masterclasses in instrumental techniques and electronic composition plus specialist courses in sound engineering and postproduction. He researches parallel languages in order to create complex perceptive experiences.  His work is focused on instrumental experimentation and electroacoustic/acousmatic compositions, on media performances and sound installations, in the domain of the intermedia development. His works have been exhibited in several international contests and broadcasted on Radio France, Radio4, Brava TV, VPRO, Rai Radio3 etc.
He has recently worked at the ZKM on his sonic projects, he performed at the Centre Pompidou (IRCAM live) and contributed to the exhibition “SoundArt” curated by P.Weibel. He was one of the five nominees for the prestigious Gaudeamus Music Award 2016 (the Netherlands). He recently won the Prix CIME 2019 and the first prize at Destellos Prize, and  performed at MEN (Musica Electronica Nova 2019 - Wroclaw) and at the ARS ELECTRONICA 2019 (Linz).
He is the artistic director of the MA/IN festival (electroacoustic music + digital art festival – Italy) since 2016, and the artistic director of the sound art project IN VITRØ ~ for Matera 2019 - European Capital of Culture. He is published by AIMI (CIM), Babelscores, Sonic Art Award, ICMA, Electro:thèque, ZKM, TAUKAY, ARS Publica, TWS. His works have been performed by several musicians and ensembles and awarded in international contests all over Europe, USA, Canada, Taiwan, Australia, Argentina, Mexico, Republic of Korea and Africa.
He is a faculty member at the Conservatory of Lecce (Italy), as professor of electroacoustic music composition.


[ projects | artistic direction ]

MA/IN festival


IN VITRØ ~ artificial sønificatiøn


LEM [Lecce Electronic Music]

Conservatorio T.Schipa

sound intermedia artist
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